Preserving the History & Legacy of
Our Lady of Pompei Catholic Church
A Highlandtown Parish from January 1923 - November 2024
Last Mass: November 23 & 24, 2024
The church was located at 3600 Claremont Street | Baltimore, MD 21224 | View Past BULLETINS
This webpage is privately run to preserve the history of Our Lady of Pompei.
Contact the Preservation Society for more information.
This parish brims with the stories of all who have made it the place we love! Will you be part of Pompei’s legacy? Share your memory or farewell message!
Our Story
Our Lady of Pompei was a Roman Catholic church ministering to the community of Highlandtown in Baltimore, Maryland since 1923.
​Our Lady of Pompei is the only church in Baltimore founded and built by Italian immigrants. In the 1920s, the Vincentian father, Fr. Luigi Scialdone, C.M, planted the seeds that sprouted into a church serving the Highlandtown community. Rooted in its Italian heritage, grown through the years with American culture, and now branching out to immigrants once again, Our Lady of Pompei stays true to its missionary roots.
Since the early 2000s, Our Lady of Pompei has worked with Operazione Mato Grosso (Operation Mato Grosso or OMG), an Italian led missionary group who has been helping poor areas in South America. The work of OMG is to educate and involve the youth in charity for those in need. The group has formed volunteer groups in the Baltimore area and Our Lady of Pompei is the central hub for the missionary work.
Compromised of Italians, Americans, and Latinos, our Our Lady of Pompei wass a multicultural and intergenerational faith community.
The feast day for Our Lady of Pompei is celebrated on the first weekend in October.
Pastors of the Parish since 1923
Rev. Luigi Scialdone, C.M.
Rev. Giuseppe Tomaselli, C.M.
Rev. Roberto Petti, C.M.
Rev. Luigi Esposito, C.M. (1984-2018)
Rev. Giuliano Gargiulo, O.M.G (2018-2022)
Rev. Claudio Piccolongo, O.M.G (2022 - 2024)

Preservation Society
The Our Lady of Pompei Preservation Society was formed to preserve the rich history of the church, parish, and all the dedication from parishioners over the years. The society is looking to preserve the sanctuary to continue to allow Mass and sacraments as well as partner with the community to use the space for art and music. If you would like to get involved or to make a donation, please send us an email.